
Welcome to our travel blog! The below description was written in 2017 before our big trip.

We are a couple in their late twenties from Lithuania and plan to cycle from Canada to Panama for the next six months. The blog is in Lithuanian so you’ll have to use Google Translate or hope that pictures are indeed worth thousands of words…

You can also follow us on facebook.

We are starting in Edmonton, Canada and don’t have return tickets yet but would like to cycle all the way to Panama where the road ends.

We are bringing a Tigerduck with us.

Tigerduck is a character from the children’s book „Oh, How Beautiful Panama Is” written in the late ’70s by a German writer Janosch. It’s about the adventures of two friends – a little bear and a little tiger in search for Panama. It was the first book we read as kids as it was translated in Lithuanian a decade later. Highly recommended!

We hope to convey at least some of the emotions we have on the bikes and hopefully encourage you to ride a bike as well. Enjoy!